
频道:游戏动态 日期: 浏览:5





1. 网络信息资源获取与利用,作者:肖珑等,出版社:北京大学出版社。这本书详细介绍了各种合法的网络信息资源获取途径和方法。

2. 新媒体时代的信息素养教育,作者:李武等,出版社:高等教育出版社。探讨了在新媒体环境下如何培养正确的信息获取和利用能力。

3. 互联网与信息检索,作者:王知津等,出版社:科学出版社。阐述了互联网上信息检索的原理、技巧和相关资源的利用。


1. “Information Retrieval in the Digital Age” by Harinarayan V. Jagadish. This book discusses various aspects of information retrieval in the digital era and its related resources.

2. “User Behavior and Information Seeking on the Web” by Janet L. Kolodner. It focuses on user behavior and how to provide relevant information resources to users.

3. “The Future of Digital Libraries” by Paul Walk. This work examines the trends and developments in digital libraries and their role in providing access to resources.

4. “Information Literacy and the Digital Age” by Barbara Quint. It emphasizes the importance of information literacy skills in the digital environment for effective resource utilization.

5. “Web Searching and User Behavior” by Ellen Riloff. Covers the study of web search behavior and techniques for finding useful information resources.